

【材 料】



低筋麵粉 300公克

鹽 1公克

食用小蘇打 1公克

無鹽奶油 60公克

【做 法】 

1 酵母粉加入溫水裡拌勻和低筋麵粉、鹽、小蘇打一起攪拌成麵糰。


2 無鹽奶油軟化後,加入作法1中攪拌至麵糰光滑不黏手。


3 在麵糰表面上灑上少許的水,最後再撒上少許鹽後,用保鮮膜覆蓋在麵糰上面,靜置約10分鐘備用。


4 桌子上先撒上少許的高筋麵粉,用桿麵棍將作法2的麵糰桿成薄片狀後,



 (依照自己喜好 印壓出可愛圖型)






 Instant yeast powder 6 grams

 Warm water 140 grams

 Low-gluten flour 300 g

 Salt 1 gram

 Eating baking soda 1 gram

 Unsalted cream 60 g


 1 Add the yeast powder to warm water and mix well with low-gluten flour, salt and baking soda to form a dough.


 2 After the salt-free cream is softened, add in Method 1 and stir until the dough is smooth and not sticky.


 3 Sprinkle a little water on the surface of the dough, and then sprinkle with a little salt. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let stand for about 10 minutes.


 4 Sprinkle a little high-gluten flour on the table and use the stick to form the dough stick of the method 2 into a thin sheet.

 (Oh, ~~ less rod thinning this step)

 Then use a round knife to cut out the square, discharge it on the baking tray with the baking sheet cloth, and then use a fork to pierce several small holes.

 (Print your cute pattern according to your preference)

 Place in the oven and bake the upper layer at about 220 ° C

 (According to your own oven, you can handle it yourself)

 It takes about 10 minutes.

 ~~ Recipe on the recipe network~~

 Try it out:

 It’s good to look good, but it’s better to take a slice.

 Some ovens have different hot locations, and

 If you don’t care, you need to wait next to the oven.

 So it is recommended that ~~ Gu is more stable next to the oven

 The top of the oven will be baked on the front, so don’t greedy and put too much to roast.

It’s best to turn over and bake ~~

 will be better


 This time, the snack of the old man can be considered successful!!!







09 最好中途翻身烤~~會更棒


這次老爺子的零食可以算試成功 !!!






                                           貴婦做輕鬆做家事 《蘇打粉能做什麼?》


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